Hey Gamedev!

Build truly awesome massive multiplayer, graphically rich, audience participatory casual games.

Hey Streamer!

Play truly awesome games with your community.

Social Interactive X-periences

It’s been 95 years since the TV was invented and the era of linear entertainment began. We are now amid a generational shift to interactive entertainment—but not just any interactive entertainment—social interactive entertainment dominated by:    


Social Interactive X-periences—or SIXes— are where lines blur between creators and consumers, streamers and viewers, and where massive collaborations create unique community experiences every time.

What will you
play with your community today?

Hosted By Streamers

We empower streamers to host truly awesome interactive games with their communities.

Create More Together

Powered By Developers

We enable game studios and indie developers to build massive multiplayer,
graphically rich, audience participatory casual games.

contact us

It's been 95 years since the TV was invented and the era of linear entertainment began. 
Now, it's time for a change.

STREAMSIX’s mission is to usher in the age of Social Interactive X-periences—a revolutionary way for creators and audiences to connect and interact in the multi-metaverse.

Get in Touch

to build on our platform or play any of the games on our platform.
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